Rising Temperatures Expected Again in New Jersey

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Rising Temperatures Expected Again in New Jersey

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Rising Temperatures Expected Again in New Jersey

For residents of New Jersey suffering from the intense heat, Monday offered some respite. Forecasters warn against getting too comfortable though, as it won't last long.

The cold front that caused heavy winds and thunderstorms on Sunday night was still present on Monday, briefly lowering the temperature, according to the National Weather Service. 

The National Weather Service predicts that Tuesday will see a return to higher temperatures, but the upper 80s and low 90s won't feel as oppressive as they did last week because of low dew points.

Wednesday is expected to be "warm and muggy," according to the National Weather Service. Similar to what happened in New Jersey on Sunday, another cold front is expected to bring more showers and thunderstorms throughout the afternoon and evening. However, forecasters warn that these could be a little more severe, with strong, destructive wind gusts posing the biggest threat.

Wednesday would feel close to 100 degrees, and the National Weather Service said it might be necessary to issue a heat alert, particularly for the metropolitan area.

But the remainder of the week? The National Weather Service described the long term weather as "relatively quiet with seasonable temperatures overall," with a pleasant weekend ahead of us until further storms may move in on Saturday and Sunday. However, forecasters claim that it's still too early to know specifics.

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