Loud Booms Linked to Fireball in New Jersey and New York

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Loud Booms Linked to Fireball in New Jersey and New York

Photo Credit: istock

Loud Booms Linked to Fireball in New Jersey and New York

A brilliant meteor that entered the Earth's atmosphere and sped across the sky above the Statue of Liberty and other locations in the Garden State is most likely what generated the loud, unexplained booms that many in New Jersey and New York City experienced Tuesday morning.

According to astronomy professionals and eyewitness statements submitted to the American Meteor Society, that is the word.

At roughly 11:17 a.m. on Tuesday, over 40 witnesses from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and Rhode Island claimed to have seen a fireball—a very bright meteor—spinning across the sky.

Simultaneously with the fireball, some witnesses reported hearing a tremendous boom. Even though they didn't witness the fireball, several residents in communities in northern and central New Jersey reported feeling their doors and windows rattle or hearing odd booms at that same period of time.

According to astronomy experts, tiny meteors can occasionally produce sonic booms that sound like the rumbling and loud explosions made by fighter aircraft passing overhead. Additionally, a few witnesses to the fireball on Tuesday claimed to have heard what was unmistakably a sonic boom.

The fireball on Tuesday shot across the sky above New York City, over the Statue of Liberty, and then across eastern and north-central New Jersey, according to NASA, which estimated its speed to be around 38,000 mph. NASA stated that this meteor's diameter was probably around one foot in a statement on its Facebook page.

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