In case you don't get a chance to view it in person, watch this video of the amazing display of lights by the Ferone Family.
This Light Spectacular entertains residents near and far. Show runs daily from Dusk to 9 pm. Friday and Saturday Dusk to 9:30 pm until December 28th.
Stop by if you can and make sure to tune your radio station as you approach is 88.1.
The family will be collecting donations for the Children's Hospital.
Visit the End of Yellowbank Road for a spectacular view of the most amazing Christmas display. Check out this must see light show in Toms River by the Feroneโs. The Christmas light show runs until December 28th.
FREE Admission, however family is collecting donations for The Children's Hospital.
Ferone Family Christmas Light Show runs through December 28th.
Dusk to 9 pm
Friday/Saturday: Dusk to 9:30 pm