Great White Shark, Hali, Visits Jersey Shore Again

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Great White Shark, Hali, Visits Jersey Shore Again

Great White Shark "Pinged" at LBI

Great white sharks, the ocean's top predators, are migrating north and beginning to show up along the shore of New Jersey, according to OCEARCH's shark tracker.

Hali, a young great white shark also known as a white shark, is among the first arrivals of the season. Hali's satellite tag "pinged" on Friday while she was traveling between 15 and 20 miles east of Long Beach Island. A ping happens when the shark's dorsal fin, where the tracking tag is attached, is above water for at least 90 seconds, allowing the satellite to determine the shark's location.

When Hali was radio-tagged on September 12, 2021, in Ironbound Island, Nova Scotia, she weighed about 700 pounds and measured just over 10 feet. She was the 75th white shark that OCEARCH had tagged as a part of its ongoing research of white sharks in the Northwest Atlantic. For the residents of Halifax, Nova Scotia, she was given the name Hali.

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