Hi, my name is David Uriarte. I’m a close family friend of the Reinoso family. I wanted to start this gofundme for Catalina Reinoso and her family.
On Sunday around 2 AM they’re had been an accident, multiple people injured in the car but they all survived and are recovering fine and have been discharged from the hospital, except for Catalina.
Catalina was deceased for 17 minutes then resuscitated back to life at the scene of the accident, she then was airlifted to a Trauma center hospital where she currently as of 4/15/24 is staying.
The doctors had discovered that she had a seizure once the accident occurred, then once again at around 7 AM on 4/15/24 she had another seizure causing even more trauma to the brain.
Currently as we wait to receive updates on if there’s brain function and what might be going on the family is struggling.
Catalina is currently intubated and cannot breathe on her own (The use of a machine is the only thing providing her any way to breathe), her vitals are being stabilized by medications.
The money for this fund will go towards the family to help pay any medical bills or expenses this accident has created.