Jersey Shore Tragedy: Man’s Heroic Efforts End in Death

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Jersey Shore Tragedy: Man’s Heroic Efforts End in Death

Patrick Dispoto

Jersey Shore Tragedy: Man's Heroic Efforts End in Death

According to News12NJ, after the guards had left the beach in Seaside Park, at approximately 7 pm, Patrick Dispoto, 58, attempted to warn a group of kids he noticed on the beach that a storm was coming. Before going up the dune and onto the beach, he made sure his girlfriend Ruth was secure inside his truck. Then the  storm arrived.

A short while later, Dispoto was unconcious and CPR efforts began immediately.

Dispoto was declared deceased at a nearby hospital shortly before 9:00 p.m. Ruth claims he died a hero attempting to rescue those youngsters he saw on the beach get to safety and shelter, and she believes he was the most recent victim of a lightning strike at the Jersey Shore.

Dispoto's family said they will always remember their "lovable cowboy hero,",

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