Light Snow Accumulation Expected Late Friday Into Saturday Morning in NJ
Light Snow Accumulation Expected Late Friday Into Saturday Morning in NJ
Light Snow Accumulation Expected Late Friday Into Saturday Morning in NJ
According to the National Weather Service, you can expect light accumulating snow through the region late Friday night into Saturday morning, Most will see less than an inch except for the southern half of Delmarva which is forecasted to see totals of 1-2".
Once again, no major changes to the snowfall forecast for Friday night into early Saturday. Light snow beginning between 10 PM to 3 AM from SW to NE, ending around 7-10 AM Saturday. Generally a dusting to 1", perhaps as much as 2-3" in Delmarva and far southern New Jersey.
Accuweather predicts on Saturday alittle snow, mainly early; cloudy in the morning, turning breezy in the afternoon with clouds and sun; expect slippery travel early, then some improvement.