Miss Liberty, Jersey Shore Icon, Seeks Support in Stage 4 Cancer Battle

Toms River Intermediate North Jared Brown
Toms River Athlete: Rising to National Prominence
September 13, 2023
Miss Liberty GoFundMe
GoFundMe for Miss Liberty
September 13, 2023

Miss Liberty, Jersey Shore Icon, Seeks Support in Stage 4 Cancer Battle

Miss Liberty Stage 4 Cancer

Sondra Fortunato, otherwise known as Miss Liberty USA

You may have heard of Miss Liberty or maybe met her before if you live or frequently visit the Toms River area. If you watch sports or go to any local New Jersey events, you've undoubtedly seen her.

Sondra Fortunato of Toms River who also goes by many names such as Miss Liberty, Miss Super Bowl, Miss World Series and/or Miss America to name a few, has developed Stage 4 cancer, which has destroyed her left eye and threatens her life.

She lost her home due to the costs of her medical care, and she still has additional surgery to address this extremely dangerous ailment. Visit Miss Liberty's GoFundMe page to contribute if you can.

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