ROAD WORK: Route 37 Tunney Bridge Lane Closures

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ROAD WORK: Route 37 Tunney Bridge Lane Closures


Maintenance & Repair

According to officials, the deck of the Route 37 bridge westbound into Toms River will require maintenance and repairs for a few weeks.

State authorities said Friday that lane restrictions and maintenance work on the J. Stanley Tunney Bridge on Route 37 west into Toms River will start on Monday.

On Mondays through Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., the left lane of the westbound bridge will be restricted, according to the state Department of Transportation. When necessary, the center lane may also be blocked off.

Officials declared that at least one lane will always be maintained.

The warning recommended drivers to slow down, exercise caution, and prepare for delays when traveling on Route 37 westbound/Tunney Bridge. There won't be any changes to eastbound traffic on Route 37 across the Mathis Bridge.

The $9.6 million statewide Drawbridge Preventative Maintenance Contract includes this work. This contract included included work on the Tunney Bridge in 2022.

The work's exact start and end times could alter because of the weather or other circumstances.

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