Significant Improvement for Couple Injured in Toms River Crash

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Significant Improvement for Couple Injured in Toms River Crash

Significant Improvement for Couple Injured in Toms River Crash

The two survivors of Friday night's fatal collision on Toms River's Route 37 are reportedly making great progress, according to their relatives.

According to reports, Ryan Chapman, 19, and Krista Armstrong, 21, have both been transferred to the Intensive Care Unit to start the healing process. Jersey Shore Medical Center in Neptune is where they are receiving treatment.

Cole Crozier, Ryan Chapman's stepbrother, reports that his brother is sitting up and talking despite having a head injury that resulted in brain bleeding.

Chapman injured both his ankle and pelvis after being thrown from the rear seat of a car. According to Crozier, he has been seeing Chapman daily.
Ryan Chapman was one of four people inside a Toyota Camry on Friday just before 11 p.m. when a speeding vehicle that had run a red light struck the vehicle broadside. After attending the New Jersey Devils hockey game in Newark, the four victims were on their way home.

He and his girlfriend, Krista Armstrong, were seated in the back. Kiley, Armstrong's twin sister, and Evan Fiore, the driver, were in the front seat and perished instantly.
Additionally, Crozier launched a GoFundMe campaign, which has raised $183,000 so far. The entire amount will be used to cover the victims' families' burial and medical costs.

A police investigation is still ongoing. According to authorities, an unlicensed minor was apprehended for operating the BMW that collided with the Camry. The identities of the young driver and the other two passengers in the vehicle have not been released.

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