Summer 2022 Program Guide:
Registration Form:
Register by mail or in-person at:
Jakes Branch County Park - Beachwood
Wells Mills County Park - Waretown
OC Parks Administration Office - Toms River
OC Parks Web Site:
Administration Phone: (732) 506-9090
****Barnegat Bay At Twilight****
Few things are as beautiful as a Barnegat Bay sunset. The ribbons of color racing across the sky are reflected in the rippling water. No place allows you to bear witness to this sight better than a seat on Ocean County Park’s Bay Cruiser II. As day surrenders to night, darkness allows for a new perspective on the shoreline and sky. Please join us for a relaxed cruise along the shores of Cattus Island. A naturalist will be on board to answer questions and interpret the sights and sounds of twilight.
LOCATION: Boat Dock, County Parks Administration Office, Toms River
Wednesday, June 29 7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2D
Friday, July 1 7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2E
Wednesday, July 6 .7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2F
Thursday, July 14 7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2G
Friday, July 15 7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2H
Wednesday, July 20 7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2I
Friday, July 22 7:00 - 8:30 pm
#238096 – 2J
Friday, July 29 6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2K
Tuesday, August 2 6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2L
Friday, August 5 6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2M
Wednesday, August 10 .6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2N
Thursday, August 11 6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2O
Tuesday, August 16 6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2P
Thursday, August 18 .6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2Q
Friday, August 19 .6:30 - 8:00 pm
#238096 – 2R
Thursday, August 25 .6:00 - 7:30 pm
#238096 – 2S
Friday, August 26 6:00 - 7:30 pm
#238096 – 2T
Friday, September 2 6:00 - 7:30 pm
#238096 – 2U
FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 4 years – Adult
****“Early Bird” Ornithology****
Barnegat Bay supports one of the largest and most diverse breeding colonies of birds in the state. Our boat will get you as close as ecologically possible to tidal marsh islands where osprey, gulls, terns, herons, and egrets nest. Join us as we observe the acrobatic maneuvers of Ospreys as they catch their food and hear the rapid calls of Belted King¬fishers while in flight.
LOCATION: Boat Dock, County Parks Administration Office, Toms River
Monday, June 27
#238066 – 1B
Friday, July 8
#238066 – 1C
Thursday, August 4
#238066 – 1D
TIME: 7:00 - 9:00 am
FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 9 years – Adult
****Metedeconk Cruise****
The Metedeconk River has a rich cultural and natural history. It is the second largest river to feed the Barnegat Bay Estuary and flows through the densest development in Ocean County. This tour will leave from Trader’s Cove Marina in Bricktown and travel past the Forsythe Wildlife Refuge and Herring Island on the way to the mouth of the mighty Metedeconk River. A naturalist will be on board to point out the sights and answer questions.
PICK-UP: Trader’s Cove Marina, Mantoloking Road, Brick Township
Friday, June 17
#238066 – 1E
Thursday, July 7
#238066 – 1F
Monday, July 18
#238066 – 1G
Wednesday, August 3
#238066 – 1H
Wednesday, August 17
#238066 – 1I TIME: 9:00 – 10:30 am
FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 4 years – Adult
****Barnegat Bay Lunch Cruise****
Sit back and enjoy the sights along Barnegat Bay as we head to our dining locale. What a great way to spend a day or treat a friend! Participants will be responsible for pay¬ing for their lunch and gratuity.
LOCATION: Boat Dock, County Parks Administration Office, Toms River
Wednesday, June 22 Lunch at Water Street
#238044 – 7B
Thursday, June 30 Lunch at MJ’s Restaurant
#238044 – 7C
Monday, July 11 Lunch at Water Street
#238044 – 7D
Thursday, July 21 Lunch at Water Street
#238044 – 7E
Monday, July 25 Lunch at MJ’s Restaurant
#238044 – 7F
Monday, August 1 Lunch at MJ’s Restaurant
#238044 – 7G
Tuesday, August 9 Lunch at Water Street
#238044 – 7H
Thursday, September 1 Lunch at Water Street
#238044 – 7I
TIME: 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 4 years – Adult
****Barnegat Bay Dinner Cruise****
Quite simply, a Barnegat Bay Dinner Cruise is the perfect night out. Sit back with your loved ones and enjoy the sights along Barnegat Bay as we head to our dining locale. Af¬ter a wonderful meal, we will head back to port enjoying the setting sun as the day fades away and the harbor lights illuminate our pathway home. Participants will be responsi¬ble for paying for their lunch and gratuity.
LOCATION: Boat Dock, County Parks Administration Office, Toms River
DATE: Wednesday June 15 Dinner at Water Street
#238044 – 7J
TIME: 4:30 - 8:30 pm
DATE: Tuesday, July 5 Dinner at Water Street
#238044 – 7L
TIME: 4:30 - 8:30 pm
PICK-UP: Trader’s Cove Marina, Mantoloking Road, Brick Township
LOCATION: Boat Dock, County Parks Administration Office, Toms River
DATE: Wednesday, July 27 .Dinner at Water Street
#238044 – 7N
DATE: Monday, August 8 Dinner at Water Street
#238044 – 7O
TIME: 4:00 - 8:00 pm
LOCATION: Boat Dock, County Parks Administration Office, Toms River
FEE: $14.00 per person AGE: 4 years – Adult
Summer 2022 Program Guide:
Registration Form:
Register by mail or in-person at:
Jakes Branch County Park - Beachwood
Wells Mills County Park - Waretown
OC Parks Administration Office - Toms River
OC Parks Web Site:
Administration Phone: (732) 506-9090