If your recycling day is on a Monday ….Your leaf collection will be once during the week of Oct. 30th and Nov. 27th
If your recycling day is on Tuesday…. Your leaf collection will be once during the week of Oct. 30th and Dec. 4th
If your recycling day is onWednesday…. Your leaf collection will be once during the week of Nov. 6th and Dec. 11th
If your recycling day is onThursday.... Your leaf collection will be once during the week of Nov. 13th and Dec. 18th
Have leaf bags curbside by 6:30 a.m. on the Monday of your collection week. Only leaves in bags will be collected. Sometimes we are ahead of schedule.
You should put your bagged leaves to the curb before your scheduled week begins. We may come early. However, we will still come through your area once again during your scheduled collection week.
Leaves are not permitted in landfill. If you miss the curbside collection, bagged or loose leaves must be brought to the Recycling Convenience Center, which is open Monday through Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Wood chips and leaf mulch are available to residents at the Recycling Convenience Center.