Ocean County One Stop Career Center
Ocean County One Stop Career Center
1027 Hooper Ave
Toms River, NJ 08753
Phone: (732) 286-5616
One-Stop Career Centers are closed due to COVID-19 response efforts. Customers with scheduled appointments will be contacted by NJDOL at a later date.
Please visit online at nj.gov/labor or call (609-984-9414). Also visit myunemployment.nj.govWhat is Unemployment Insurance?
Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a program that gives financial support to people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Are you unemployed in Toms River?
To qualify for Unemployment Insurance benefits, you must meet all of the eligibility requirements of the New Jersey Unemployment Compensation Law. Those who meet the requirements may receive benefits for up to 26 weeks during a one-year period.
The money to pay these benefits comes from a payroll tax paid by employers and workers. The benefits partially replace wages to help unemployed workers meet their financial obligations while looking for work.
NJ Workers: Frequently Asked Questions During the Coronavirus Emergency for Toms River Residents.
Are you out of work due to the Coronavirus Emergency? Do you have questions regarding unemployment assistance? Please visit NJ Department of Labor & Workforce Development for more information.

Search all Unemployment Offices in New Jersey
Need to apply for Unemployment Insurance in Toms River, NJ?
In response to COVID-19, the federal government has expanded the Unemployment Insurance program. Read more in these FAQs about unemployment

Important Information for Certifying for Weekly Benefits Due to the Coronavirus Emergency
According to the NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development, in order for them to process your payment without delay, please answer the following guidelines when certifying for your benefits - to get your money - each week.
Who is Eligible for Benefits?
Important update: Due to the coronavirus emergency, there is assistance available to those who are traditionally not eligible for unemployment benefits. Please see our coronavirus FAQ and information for those who are self-employed, freelancers, independent contractors, and gig workers.
Check if You Are Eligible and File a Claim Read More
1. Were you able and available to work?
The answer to this question should be YES if:
You were physically able to do your work before you lost your job (and you lost your job/hours due to your own coronavirus illness, your need to care for a family/household member with coronavirus, or your employment situation changed because of coronavirus public health emergency); OR
You are out of work temporarily due to an employer-closure related to the coronavirus and expect to return to your job; OR
You are able and available for work.
2. Were you actively seeking work?
If you are waiting to be recalled to your present job, or delaying your job search until this natural emergency ends or subsides, you should answer YES.
3. Did you refuse any work?
If you refused an offer of work due to concerns related to the travel/stay-at-home restrictions of the coronavirus pandemic, or because you were ill with coronavirus, or because you wouldn’t be able to care for a coronavirus-affected family member, or care for a dependent whose place of care or school is closed because of coronavirus, you should answer NO.
4. Were you attending school or job training?
If you are a student and just filed this unemployment claim as a result of the coronavirus emergency, and the Division of Unemployment Insurance has not reviewed your school status, please answer NO to this question (even if you are attending school online) at this time.
If you are a student who filed an Unemployment Insurance claim prior to this emergency, and have already provided the department with your school information, and your school is currently closed due to the coronavirus, please answer this question in the same manner (Yes or No) you would have prior to the school closing.
5. Did you receive holiday or vacation pay for the week beginning mm-dd-2020 and ending mm-dd-2020?
If your separation is temporary and was caused by the coronavirus emergency, please answer NO to this question.
However, if you receive any type of wage while you are not working, answer YES TO QUESTION #7 (see below) AND REPORT THE AMOUNT THERE.
6. Are you receiving or have you applied for a pension or other retirement pay from any of the employers listed below?
If you are currently paying into a pension or other retirement plan but you are not receiving payments, you should answer “NO."
If you are receiving pension payments from an employer who is not listed you should also answer “NO."
You should answer “YES” if you are currently receiving pension or other retirement benefit payments from one of the employers in the list.
7. Did you work between mm-dd-2020 and mm-dd-2020?
If you did any work (or received any payment for work previously completed) between the designated dates, answer YES and report what you earned.
IF YOU ARE RECEIVING PUA, to avoid payment delay, use ONLY question 7B – “Other than self-employed income" – to report ALL types of wages/commissions you received this week (even if the earnings were in self-employment). In 7A, choose “NO.”
If you know you will not have work the following week, immediately (no later than Saturday of the week in which you are claiming) follow steps to REOPEN/REASSERT THE CLAIM. If you received holiday/vacation/sick pay from your employer during this week, report that information here.