Ocean County One Stop Career Center
1027 Hooper Ave
Toms River, NJ 08753
(732) 286-5616
One-Stop Career Centers are closed due to COVID-19 response efforts. Customers with scheduled appointments will be contacted by NJDOL at a later date. Please visit online at nj.gov/labor or call (609-984-9414). Also visit myunemployment.nj.gov OPERATIONS WILL REMAIN CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

NJ Workers: Frequently Asked Questions During the Coronavirus Emergency for Toms River residents.
Are you out of work due to the Coronavirus Emergency? Do you have questions regarding unemployment assistance? Please visit NJ Department of Labor & Workforce Development for more information.

Need to apply for Unemployment Insurance in Toms River, NJ?
In response to COVID-19, the federal government has expanded the Unemployment Insurance program. Read more in these FAQs about unemployment.
What is Unemployment Insurance?

Unemployment Insurance (UI) is a program that gives financial support to people who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. Are you unemployed in Toms River?
To qualify for Unemployment Insurance benefits, you must meet all of the eligibility requirements of the New Jersey Unemployment Compensation Law. Those who meet the requirements may receive benefits for up to 26 weeks during a one-year period.
The money to pay these benefits comes from a payroll tax paid by employers and workers. The benefits partially replace wages to help unemployed workers meet their financial obligations while looking for work.

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