Samples are distributed to pathologists and other scientists who are involved with looking into whale fatalities, as is the case with all large whales. Before a cause of death can be determined, if at all, these results can take several months to return.
The area is dangerous to visit because of the animal's placement on the North End Natural Area, recent beach erosion, and the anticipated tide cycle.
MMSC ask the public to maintain a safe distance from the whale. Please report all stranded marine mammals and sea turtles to NOAA’s marine mammal and sea turtle stranding hotline
866-755-6622 to be directed to a trained responder.
All dolphins, porpoises, and whales are protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which makes touching, feeding, or otherwise harming these animals illegal. The best way to assist these animals, and keep them and yourself safe, is by calling trained responders and maintaining a 150-foot distance.