Fire Safety Friday: Forest Fire Home Readiness

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Fire Safety Friday: Forest Fire Home Readiness

As warm and dry spring weather approaches, there is an increased risk of brush fires here in New Jersey.

It's crucial to ensure our homes are prepared to face this potential threat.

Here are some tips to help create a fire-resistant zone around your home:

Clear Vegetation: Trim trees and shrubs, keeping branches at least 10 feet away from your home. Prune overhanging branches to minimize the risk of flames spreading.

Maintain a Defensible Space: Create a defensible space of at least 30-100 feet around your home. Clear away dead plants, leaves, and other debris regularly. This helps to slow the advance of flames.

Mind Your Gutters: Keep gutters and roofs clear of leaves and pine needles. These can ignite easily during a fire, posing a threat to your home. Regularly clean out gutters and maintain your roof in good condition.

Choose Fire-Resistant Plants: Opt for fire-resistant plants in your landscaping. These are less likely to catch fire and can act as a barrier to slow the spread of flames.

Keep Lawn Well-Irrigated: A well-watered lawn is less likely to catch fire. Ensure your irrigation system is in good working order and keep your lawn hydrated, especially during dry seasons.

Store Firewood Away: If you have firewood, store it at least 30 feet away from your home. Embers from a nearby fire can easily ignite stacked wood.

Mind the Mulch: If you use mulch, keep it at least 3 feet away from the foundation of your home. Consider using non-flammable mulch materials such as gravel or rocks.

Access for Emergency Vehicles: Make sure your driveway is wide enough for emergency vehicles and is clear of overhanging branches. This can be crucial for quick response during a fire emergency.

Have an Evacuation Plan: Lastly, always have a family evacuation plan in place. Ensure everyone knows the evacuation routes and where to meet up in case of separation.

Let's take the necessary steps to protect our homes and communities.

Share these tips with your neighbors to help create safe spaces around our homes!

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