How High Will Gas Prices Rise in NJ?

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How High Will Gas Prices Rise in NJ?

NJ Gas Prices Are At a Record High

The price of a gallon of gasoline in many New Jersey service stations has increased by 60 cents in the last week, with other stations seeing even bigger increases. Residents in the Garden State are wondering how long this will endure.

The simple answer, according to Tom Kloza, the Oil Price Information Service's worldwide head of energy analysis, is probably not anytime soon.

"It'll definitely continue as long as we have Russian forces in Ukraine," he stated.

He predicted that gas prices will continue to rise in the following weeks.

"To some extent, it's a shock," Kloza said, "but the costs right now, inflation-adjusted, aren't as awful as they were in 2008, but we may be headed there, and this is going to be pricey."

"I'm not sure if we're talking about more than $5 in New Jersey," she says "Kloza remarked. "For the time being, I'm keeping with a nationwide price range of $4.50 to $4.75, but we'll see what happens."

A variety of scenarios could have an impact on prices. People who drive diesel vehicles have it even worse now that gas prices have skyrocketed.

"They're staring at $5 a gallon in the not-too-distant future." "I mean, along with jet fuel, that's the stuff that's really going crazy," he remarked.

Even with the recent price hike, demand for gas is increasing, according to Kloza.


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