Major construction project is expected to begin at Island Beach State Park the week of January 22

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Major construction project is expected to begin at Island Beach State Park the week of January 22


PARK ADVISORY: Island Beach State Park

A major construction project is expected to begin at Island Beach State Park the week of January 22.

The project will be the installation of a new sewer line in the north bound lane, traveling from the park gatehouse to the nature center. There will be intermittent lane closures from the gatehouse to the nature center for the duration of the project.

The project is expected to take approximately 9 months to complete and will cause delays when visiting the park. The project is expected to be completed mid to late September.

Mobile traffic lights will be set up as the road will be reduced to one lane where the crews are working.

Please proceed with caution. Vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians who do not abide by the traffic lights and signs will be subject to fines.


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