Popular Ocean County Bakery Captures Crumb Cake Thieves on Camera

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Popular Ocean County Bakery Captures Crumb Cake Thieves on Camera

Crumb Cake Robbery in Lavallette, NJ

A group of men who stole a sheet of freshly baked crumb cake from a bakery in Lavallette while filming the incident have made amends with the shop.

However, the proprietors of Colonial Bakery, who published CCTV footage of the heist, claim they are still waiting for the men to publicly apologize.

In an effort to identify the individuals who opened a back door and stole the sheet of crumb cake on Sunday night, the bakery shared a video of the incident to its Facebook page on Monday.

In the footage, two males can be seen peering in, opening the screen door, and stealing the cake with their faces clearly visible. The bakery owners claim a fourth man was present, and a third man can be seen documenting the heist in the background.

Colonial Bakery also conducted a survey of the populace to determine the appropriate repercussions for the theft, joking that they should be forced to consume an entire pan of crumb cake in one sitting. Most commenters advised the owners to contact the police.

After posting the footage, the males were recognized shortly after. Owners of Colonial Bakery publicly proposed a deal: come in, pay for the cake, and record a video apologizing to the public, and they wouldn't pursue legal action.

The proprietors issued an update on Wednesday morning stating that three of the men had come, paid for the cake, and privately apologized.

The owners made a statement on their facebook page stating:
"We wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that shared, commented, and helped us find the thieves!" the owners wrote. "To see our small business gather so much support from the local community (and beyond!) is humbling."

"We know the barrier island is a special place where we watch out for each other and this was yet another example of exactly that. While we would never condone theft of any kind and did take the situation seriously, we did try to take a lighthearted approach with our funny poll of consequences. Sometimes you just need to make lemonade out of lemons right?!"

"We made our best attempt to solve this issue the way we felt was right for us. THANK YOU again to everyone for the support and help and we feel lucky that we were able to resolve this issue. The additional publicity is our silver lining in an otherwise 'sticky situation' — sorry just had to get in one more pun,".

The bakery stated, "We are awaiting their apology video."

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