This Year, When Do The Clocks Go Back?

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This Year, When Do The Clocks Go Back?

Daylight Saving Time

It's time to fall back, whether you're ready or not.

After months of long days and plenty of sunshine, daylight saving time — or DST, as it's also known — will expire on Sunday, Nov. 6, a full week later than it did last year. This means you'll get an extra hour of sleep or another hour out on the town before going to bed and putting the clocks back an hour.

It also entails getting used to decreased sunshine in the evenings. The sun will set at 4:49 p.m. in New Jersey on November 6.

As we approach the winter solstice on December 21, the days will continue to get shorter.

Then, until the summer solstice on June 21, 2022, the length of the days will begin to lengthen.

On the first Sunday in November, clocks "fall back" to 1 a.m. from 2 a.m.

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