
April 14, 2023
joint base mcguire-dix-lakehurst noise calender Hearing loud booms in Ocean County New Jersey

Joint Base Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst Noise Calendar

Heavy weapons training at the ranges for this month means you could be hearing loud booms mostly from 9 am to 3 pm. Here you will find the Joint Base Mcguire-Dix-Lakehurst Noise Calendar. The base train's America's best warfighters! Remember: cloudy conditions can makes the booms seem louder or closer than they actually are. Rest assured they are taking every precaution to keep our service members and surrounding community safe.
April 14, 2023

ROAD WORK: Route 37 Tunney Bridge Lane Closures

Route 37 Tunney Bridge Lane Closures. According to officials, the deck of the Route 37 bridge westbound into Toms River will require maintenance and repairs for a few weeks.
April 15, 2023
TR Excellence Expo

TR Excellence Expo Returns

TR Excellence Expo Returns
April 16, 2023

Help the Waskiewicz Girls

Help the Waskiewicz Girls. Family lost their 51 year old husband and father.
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