
April 24, 2023
Friends and Family of Scott Farrell and Melissa Adams are organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Rita Kemprowski.

Medical & Comfort Expenses for Scott Farrell Professor at OCC

Sometimes life takes some unexpected turns. Unfortunately, that is what Scott and his beautiful wife of 6 months, Rita, are currently enduring. Scott is a much-adored professor at Ocean County College and due to sudden and unanticipated life events, has been unable to work for several months. Scott was recently diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer.
April 24, 2023
Michael T. Sutton, age 58, a lifelong resident of Toms River, peacefully passed away April 22, 2023

Michael T. Sutton, age 58, a lifelong resident of Toms River, peacefully passed away April 22, 2023

Michael T. Sutton, age 58, a lifelong resident of Toms River, peacefully passed away April 22, 2023 at home surrounded by his loved ones. Michael was a licensed funeral director for over 30 years and retired as the manager of the Quinn Hopping Funeral Home, Toms River.
April 24, 2023
Hello. We are raising for Sue D’Elia since she drew a short straw lately. She has run out of sick days from illness and is out on family leave. She has to pay bills and pay her medical while she is in and out of hospitals awaiting approval to have surgery that will be extensive. Her return to work date in unknown at this time. Any help would be grateful to offset personal medical cost and monthly bills. Thank you for your generous thoughts to such a caring wonderful artistic elementary art teacher from Hooper Avenue Elementary in Toms River.

Caring Elementary Art Teacher Sue D’Elia

Hello. We are raising for Sue D’Elia since she drew a short straw lately. She has run out of sick days from illness and is out on family leave. She has to pay bills and pay her medical while she is in and out of hospitals awaiting approval to have surgery that will be extensive. Her return to work date in unknown at this time. Any help would be grateful to offset personal medical cost and monthly bills. Thank you for your generous thoughts to such a caring wonderful artistic elementary art teacher from Hooper Avenue Elementary in Toms River.
April 25, 2023
Kids Stuff Flea Market at Ocean County Park

Kids’ Stuff Flea Market

Kids' Stuff Flea Market. Clean out your closets and sell all stuff related to kids. Clothes, toys, books, sporting goods and more.
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