
April 2, 2023
Prescription Take Back Program

National Rx Take Back Day

National Rx Take Back Day is April 22nd between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Find out where to drop your unused prescriptions.
April 2, 2023

Share some laughs and help raise money for an Amazing Young Boy that needs a kidney transplant

An AMAZING Fundraiser for an AMAZING YOUNG BOY! Come share some laughs and help us raise money for a kidney transplant for this amazing family BYOB/ All you can Eat Pasta/ Gift Auction/ 50/50 All details in poster!!! If you are unable to attend, donations are welcomed and appreciated!!!!
April 2, 2023
Playa Bowls Toms River Fruit Bowl

Playa Bowls Toms River

If you are looking for a refreshing and healthy option for your next meal, go to Playa Bowls in Toms River. With many locations in and around Toms River, Playa Bowls is an easy and convenient option when you are craving good food but want to eat a nutritious meal. Playa Bowls is open everyday from 9am-9pm. They serve a wide variety of smoothie bowls, smoothies, juices, coffee, and poke bowls, although they are most famously known for their acai bowls.
April 3, 2023

Students from Toms River Schools on Their Way to Regional Science Fair

Students from Toms River Schools on Their Way to Regional Science Fair
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