
May 9, 2023
Robert Richardson funeral in Toms River

Remembering Robert Richardson

Robert Richardson was lost this week. A fundraiser has been formed for his family, they can use some help with this sudden and unexpected financial burden. Any little bit will help in a big way. Everything donated will go directly towards his wife and children to help with the service and cost of living.
May 9, 2023
great white shark in the waters of the jersey shore

Another Great White Shark has been Tracked off the Jersey Shore

Another Great White Shark has been Tracked off the Jersey Shore
May 10, 2023
Under Investigation

Ocean County Teen Hit and Killed by Car While Crossing Route 70

Ocean County Teen Hit and Killed by Car While Crossing Route 70
May 10, 2023
Boston Market Evicted from Toms River Location

Boston Market Was Evicted from its Toms River Location

Boston Market Was Evicted from its Toms River Location
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